Friday, November 18, 2011

Engineering for Engineering’s sake
We are living “ an era where the question of technology is still the subject of much confusion in theory and practice, especially in context of developing countries....”
“In theory and practice” are the words that caught my eyes while going through an article by T. Jayaraman, Professor and Chairperson,Center for Science and Technology, Tata Institute of Social Science. During my years in Jorhat Engineering College, I found that indeed “the question of technology is still the subject of much confusion” both among a section of professors and students (Please note that I am not referring to all professors!). While studying Engineering, we hardly gave or hardly were being encouraged to give a thought on-“What is technology or Engineering all about? ; Are we different from a general technician or a mansion (in case of Civil Engineer, as I studied Civil Engineering)? ; What is the purpose of technology? Is Engineering related to Society, Economy or Polity?”
To illustrate the need of raising such simple yet vital questions and highlight the importance of A PROCESS to clarify the confusion, at an hour when Jorhat Engineering College completed its 50 years of relentless service and celebrating the closing ceremony of the Golden Jubilee Function, I would like to narrate three stories-
The First story: All of you might have seen the movie-“A Beautiful Mind”, directed by Ron Howard. It is based on the life story of John Forbes Nash,Jr..He is a mathematical genius who worked in game theory, differential geometry and partial differential equations. His mathematical contributions proved insight into the forces that govern chance and events inside complex systems in daily life and specially his work on game theory earned him Nobel Prize in Economics in 1944.His work is also utilized in Evolutionary Biology, Artificial Intelligence,Accounting,Politics and Military theory. He also has suggested hypothesis on mental illness and advanced psychology.
Second Story: Steve Jobs is a famous name. Just as Adam's Apple, Newton's Apple, we have Job's Apple. Read his story at narrated by noted engineer and scientist Prabir Purkayastha.
Third Story: S.Chatterjee is a physicist in the Indian Institute of Astrophysics. He narrates an experience in his article-“Commentary: Science Education” as such: “Let me begin by being personal. For a few weeks, the front lock in my home was giving trouble but we could manage. Last Sunday it got jammed. I opened it up and tried to repair with the very few tools that I have at home. I was sitting on the floor busy with this exercise, when a very experienced experimental physicist walked in. He was surprised to see me in this work and said, “I never thought you would be doing such things. I thought you would be busy with partial differential equations.”....”
Please give a thought after reading the three stories and express your viewpoint to yourself or a friend of yours or even me. I have thought over these and will express my views towards the later part of the article. They may coincide or may not; that is not important but important thing is that Lets think together. Till we come to any conclusion, I would like to present a sub-article -

“A glimpse on Water Management”

Water is abundant in Assam. The mighty Brahmaputra and its countless tributaries are large reservoir of water. Flood is a common phenomenon in Assam. At the same time, we have also the problem of drought. We also face acute shortage of drinking water, specially we have seen that in Guwahati City, residents are forced to buy Brahmajal(water supplied through Auto-Van) even at the height of monsoon season. The persistence of all these problems implies that we have failed to use technology to uplift our standard of living? No doubt, people are using mobile phones instead of land line, laptop instead of a bulky desktop, a CFL instead of a Bulb. But it can be clearly seen that maximum farmers are still using the same kind of plough used 100 years ago! We are completely at the mercy of natural forces and history speaks that races that are only nature dependent have been left behind. In India, agriculture uses 85%, industries 4% and people use less than 4% of water. Hence, proper technology must be used to store, distribute and utilize the available water. For storage of water dam, reservoir etc. must be built; for proper distribution and utilization, we have to have good canal and irrigation system. Harvesting of rain and wasted water can solve the problem of drinking water. In India, planning is going on to link all major rivers. The first step in this regard was taken by Arthur Cotton in 1881 and then by Er. Visvesvaraya. The supreme court of India directed for the implementation of a scheme for the interconnection of rivers in 2002, which is to be completed within 12-15 years. Now, for applying all these technology, we need capital. Around 5lakh 60 thousand crore rupees are required for the interconnection scheme. Investments on such ventures depend on the Economy and the kind of Economy depends on the Polity. Also while trying to implement any scheme; we must have a little knowledge of the demography of the region where the scheme is employed. We may face opposition from any community or group. Hence, it assumes a social character.

Now, let me back to the stories. The 1st story clearly speaks that “Everything is related”. The 2nd one, I hope u have gone through the net, speaks that technology which places “Human Being at its heart” can go beyond traditional style and be more humane, natural. And the last one speaks of a general scenario-‘the disjoint between brain (theoretical work) and hand (practical work),’ in understanding science that prevails even among a section of reputed scientists in India and this attitude is to be reversed.                                                              Thus, we can say that man tries to appropriate Nature’s production in a form adapted to his own wants by using technology which is developed through the interaction between man, nature and human labour. Technology is thus not for technologists only but for mankind as a whole. So with a vision that “Everything is related”, we should try to be good Engineers with sound technical knowledge, keep an eye on economy, polity and society so that we develop our technological understanding in a broader frame, fight for better facilities of research, well equipped laboratories and industries for proper training to correlate “theory and practice” in a more vivid way. Lets discuss these aspects frequently amongst us in our dear college by holding discussions, debates, seminars ,etc. and let this closing ceremony Golden Jubilee Celebration be the beginning.

“.....Science, however, cannot create ends and, even less, instil them in human beings; science, at most, can supply the means by which to attain certain ends..... The education of the individual, in addition to promoting his own innate abilities, would attempt to develop in him a sense of responsibility for his fellow men in place of the glorification of power and success in our present society....”  -Albert Einstein in his article “Why Socialism?”
Article by-
Nirangkush Nath, Passed B.E (Civil) from JEC in 2011, currently pursuing M.E  in ‘Water shed management and Flood Engineering’ in AEC.
1. Indian Researcher,
2. Social Scientist.
3. Xomokaalin Orthoniti, by noted Economist and Columnist of ‘Khabar’ Ananta Kalita.